Sunday, July 02, 2006

Running update for 7/2

16 weeks until the marathon! It just keeps getting closer and closer. This week was a busy one with work and other things going on, and it was hard to get all the runs in there. But I made it! The late night run tuesday paired with the early run wednesday wasn't so nice, but it worked. Today I was faced with the question of how to get in a 7 mile run while running a 5k. Answer, run four more miles when you're done :) It was fun to run into other Chicago running bloggers at the Race to the Taste today! And for those curious, I finished in 27:08.

Tuesday - 3.08 miles smith/nw hwy/quentin
Wednesday - 3.2 miles reservoir
Thursday - 3.2 miles reservoir
Saturday - 3.1 miles Race to the Taste
Saturday - 4.05 miles reservoir with an extra lap

Total: 16.63 miles


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